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Someone in the Government Actually Defends Wikileaks

Members of Congress are giving all sorts of controversial speeches today. While Sen. Bernie Sanders was (and still is!) noting that rich people don't need estate tax cuts, Rep. Ron Paul was sharply defending Wikileaks.
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Newell Rubbermaid Opens for Business in 407612-Square-Foot ...

Newell Rubbermaid, a global marketer of consumer and commercial products with sales of approximately $6 billion annually, has opened for business in a 407612-square-foot bulk distribution facility at Southern California Logistics Centre .... Knowland to Provide INSIGHT to Over 400 Preferred Hotel... White Oaks Wealth Advisors Introduces Wealth Management... ThinkPeople's Jean M. DiGiovanna Named 'Top 10 Coach' b... Creating Its Map to the Stars-Baby Swags Entertainment . ...
źródło: BlogSearch

English Antique Mirrors for Sale | Wall Arts and Wall Decors ? English Antique Mirrors for Sale (Newel Art and Antiques, New York City). If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! Facebook ? Twitter ? Delicious ? Digg ... Blogroll. Car Interior Accessories ? Romantic Vacations ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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